who are we?
Anna Ferri: Anna likes to read cultural studies, fantasy novels, popular science, and anything with a warped, magical take on our reality—plus a few graphic novels and some middle-grade palate cleansers. She’s just careening through her own wonky reading path.
Twitter: @ferrilibrarian
Tumblr: Ferri Tale Librarian
Matthew Murray: When he’s not editing the podcast, Matthew spends his time trying to read all of the comics ever, working as a Data and Graduate Studies Librarian, co-organizing the Manga in Libraries series of webinars and the Toronto Comic Arts Festival’s Libraries & Education day, and editing the zine Two-Fisted Library Stories. He also does Library/Education promotion for Manga Classics and is probably on Twitter far more than is healthy.
Twitter: @MidniteLibrary
Website: thematthewmurray.weebly.com
Meghan Whyte: Currently working in archivesland. Meghan remains a power reader when not cycling around the National Capital Region in Canada (Ottawa/Gatineau) the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinabeg. Wheelhouse includes soft scifi, cyberpunk, narrative nonfiction, supernatural mystery/thrillers, works in translation, and French graphic works. Reading gaps include YA, cosy mysteries, literary fiction, contemporary fiction, and bestsellers – among other things the podcast will reveal over time.
Storygraph: https://app.thestorygraph.com/profile/meghan_is_reading
Jam Edwards: Jam (previously RJ) is a public youth librarian after several years spent in special libraries. They enjoy speculative fiction, comics, YA fiction, and anything gay. They irrationally dislike James Patterson. They have published a handful of sci-fi short stories. They host another podcast, HARK, about listening to all the holiday music. They talk about tabletop games, like, a lot.
Mastodon: dice.camp/@raspberryjam
Goodreads: RJ Edwards
Website: rjmakes.weebly.com
Plus occasional guest hosts!
Previous hosts:
Jessi: Strengths: Fantasy, speculative fiction, magical realism, supernatural fiction, and (weirdly?) paranormal non-fiction. Weaknesses: Pretty much everything else.
Favourite books: Titus Groan and Gormenghast of The Gormenghast Trilogy, The Fifth Season, Kafka on the Shore, and Grendel
Amanda Wanner:
Twitter: @v_woolf
Instagram: v_woolf
Website: awanner@weebly.com