Episode 028 – Accidental Romance

While we planned on talking about all the non-bookclub stuff we read, this turned out to be an Accidental Romance episode! We talk about romances in video games, romance novels (both bad and good), romance manga, and movies we watch with our partners. Plus: Meaghan really loves bicycles. (That counts as a romance, right?)

In this episode

Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | Jessi

Things mentioned (in order of appearance)


  • What are you into reading/watching/playing/or listening to?
  • What media do you suggest that we check out?
  • Can you recommend (or even name) any early Canadian writers or literature?

Check out our Pinterest boards and Tumblr posts for all the books people in the club read (or tried to read), follow us on Twitter,  and join our Facebook Group!

Join us again on Tuesday, May 16th when we’ll be talking about Westerns!

Then on Tuesday, June 6th when we’ll discuss Rereading Books!

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